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Abstract (English):
relevance of the research topic. The need for the correct qualification of environmental crimes, their separation from other violations that do not entail criminal liability, make it relevant to develop a correct assessment of the complex of socially dangerous consequences provided for in the criminal law as necessary signs of the objective side of the crimes provided for in Chapter 26 of the Criminal code «Environmental crimes». Problem statement. Currently, in the Russian Federation, a significant percentage of qualification errors are related to the problems of understanding the socially dangerous consequences, their classification and determination of the amount of damage. Purpose of work. Study of the current level of understanding of the terms «environmental harm» and «socially dangerous consequences of environmental crimes» in order to distinguish them. Methodology. The methodology of the work is based on the application of General scientific methods (including comparison and analysis, including the analysis of legal acts). The author used special methods of legal science, as a comparative legal and formal legal. results. The paper presents a comparative analysis of modern scientific approaches to the characterization of socially dangerous consequences of environmental crimes Key finding. Based on the analysis of the essence and content of the concept of «socially dangerous consequences» in General, the authors offer their vision of the concept of «environmental damage», contributing to the understanding of the nature, content and characteristics of this intersectoral phenomenon. Taking into account these features, the authors believe it is important to distinguish between the concepts of environmental harm, including in the criminal sense, and socially dangerous consequences of environmental crimes.

ecological crimes, ecological harm, socially dangerous consequences, objects of criminal-legal protection, compensation of ecological harm
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