Experience and effectiveness of practice-oriented training of voluntary people’s guard members based at the organizations of MIA of Russia
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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the subject matter of the article is determined by the increasing spread of volunteering in our country, in particular, the formation of voluntary people’s guards that are intended to assist all state authorities includinglaw enforcement agencies. The legal basis for cooperation between the police and the public is fixed in the corresponding statutory documents. The performanceof voluntary people’s patrol depends considerably on the level oflegal, moral and psychological competenceof its members allowing to interact withlaw enforcement officers. Vigilantesshould understand the specifics of human rights practices and law enforcement activities. The decrees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia define the procedure ofvigilante groupstraining, but their implementation requires the development of policy and methodological documentation. The article presents the analysis of the existing practice of vigilantes training atlaw enforcement agencies, and identifies deficiencies and contradictions in thelevel of their expertise. The article discusses the specific features of such training: its short-term duration, as well as the heterogeneous composition of thevigilante groups as to age and profession. The authorpresents experience in implementing specially developed program forvigilantestraining that is unique both in content and in methods used. The content is presented on the basis of classification of representative tasksthat have to be solved by voluntary people’s patrol in joint activities with police officers. These tasks formed the basis for the three training modules reviewed in the article («Minors», «Foreigners», «Maintenance of order»). Practice-oriented training methods include analysis of real situations that are presented in the classroom in various aspects and forms. Test and situational materials developedon their basis can be used in the process of training as well as for monitoring the effectiveness of the work performed. In conclusionthe author presentsthe analysis of the effectiveness of the suggested training program for vigilante groupas compared to the control group.

voluntary people’s patrol, training of vigilantes, practice-oriented training methods, criteria for assessing
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