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Abstract (English):
Modern online culture is causing transformations in the most important spheres of human life, which have both positive and negative impacts. Currently, globalization and rapid growth in the number of Internet users play a significant role in shaping the worldview and socialization of the younger generation. This article reveals the problem of the spread of radical ideas of such a subcultural movement as «Columbine» (school shooting), which is one of the extreme forms of manifestation of destructive behavior. Cases of attacks on educational institutions both in Russia and abroad are considered, an assessment of the events that have taken place is given, the activities of school shooters are analyzed. The authors reveal a number of reasons and factors contributing to the involvement of minors in destructive groups, which subsequently train adherents of «Columbine» from their members. Five stages are analyzed that a potential school shooter goes through, accumulating «deformations»: chronic deformation, uncontrolled deformation, acute stress, planning stage and implementation stage. The psychological aspects of each of them are revealed in details. In the frame of the content analysis of the Internet information space the certain conclusions on the spread of the radical ideological movement «Columbine» are made. Preventive measures are considered, and some recommendations are given to improve their effectiveness.

school shooting, «Columbine», attacks in schools, mass murder, minors, deformation, destructive content
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