The practice of using the polygraph in Mongolia: problem aspects and their solutions
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current state of crime in Mongolia is characterized by the growth of dangerous criminal manifestations. An increase in the number of serious crimes, an increase in the level of their technical equipment and a corruption component objectively require the adoption of adequate and timely measures by law enforcement agencies. In order to combat crime at the present stage, law enforcement and other state bodies are forced to actively introduce effective means, methods and forms into the practice of combating socially dangerous manifestations. One of the priority areas in this matter is the integrated use of the achievements of applied psychology in combination with technical devices. In particular, we are talking about the introduction of methods of conducting a survey using a polygraph into the practice of law enforcement agencies. The author of the study draws attention to the organizational, legal and methodological problems that arise when using a polygraph in the activities of law enforcement agencies. In the process of conducting the study, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, formal logical and comparative legal methods were used. Thus, in the article, based on an analysis of the current state of the practice of using a polygraph in law enforcement in Mongolia, urgent problems are identified and ways to solve them are proposed.

polygraphology, University of Law Enforcement, training and research laboratory, training, specialist polygraph examiner
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