Actual problems of law enforcement psychology: concepts, approaches, technologies (Vasiliev Readings – 2024) (analytical review of the international scientific-practical conference)
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Abstract (English):
The article presents a review of the scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of law enforcement psychology: concepts, approaches, technologies” (Vasiliev Readings –2024), which was devoted to the memory of the Soviet scientist-psychologist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation Vladislav Leonidovich Vasiliev. During the conference the results of the researches of scientific communities of the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Uzbekistan on the problems of improvement of moral and psychological support of law enforcement activity were presented. The issues of prospects and directions of development of legal psychology, criminalisation of personality and the mechanism of formation of criminal behaviour, causes and conditions contributing to the development of deviant behaviour in social groups of adolescents and youth, risks of the developing digital society, information threats and the need to ensure information-psychological security of personality, management of risks of violence, actual problems of conducting various types of forensicpsychological examinations, application of psychology methods to detect criminal intentions and predict criminal behaviour in the system of comprehensive security; the peculiarities of professional psychological selection of candidates for service in law enforcement agencies; areas of improving the professional training of law enforcement officers, including for actions in special conditions; the provision of psychological assistance to officers and members of their families; and ensuring the professional health of officers were discussed. The conference is a significant international scientificrepresentative event, which allows for several years to unite the efforts of scientists representing various ministries and departments of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the scientific support of law enforcement tasks.

moral-psychological support of law enforcement activity, deviant behaviour, criminalisation of personality, information-psychological impact
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