Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the topic is determined by the personal, professional and social significance of the spiritual and moral development of the personality of specialists working with people, particularly, in the law enforcement sphere. This is confirmed by normative, scientific and publicistic documents. The complexity and wide scope of the notion complicates the methodical development of the activities of higher school lecturers. The main approaches to the understanding of spirituality and morality are presented in the article. The authors substantiate the importance of spiritual and moral development of a person as an integral characteristic of the personality, reflecting the value-semantic unity in the categories of «service», «virtue», «honor», «dignity». The importance of these characteristics for the formation of the personality of MIA personnel, their self-improvement at the stage of mastering the profession is shown. Spiritual and moral development is understood as qualitative changes in the value-semantic sphere of personality through organized pedagogical influence aimed at increasing its creative activity, the formation of the ability to assess their own activities from the standpoint of cooperation, constructiveness, creation, service, mutual assistance as opposed to self-centeredness, selfishness and individualism. For the purpose of development of the program of spiritual and moral development the subjective representations and self-estimates of the cadets are received on three methods: «Life orientations» by D. A. Leontiev, method «Values of personality» by S. H. Schwartz and thematic method «Unfinished sentences». Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of representations and self-evaluations in this sphere are discussed. The analysis and generalization of the received data allowed to reveal prevailing orientations, contradictions in representations and self-estimates of the cadets, discrepancy in «known» and «realized». The obtained results are correlated with the tasks of spiritual and moral development of the cadets in the process of mastering the disciplines of humanitarian profile in educational organizations of the MIA of Russia.

spiritual and moral values, spiritual and moral development of the cadets, representations and self-estimates of the spirituality and morality levels, life orientations, spiritual and moral ideal
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