Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.07 Теория государства и права
The relevance of crime prevention is that crime in today’s innovative society is an extremely dangerous phenomenon that has an adverse impact on the socio-economic status of each state, on individual citizens and their collective entities. This negative phenomenon also have a negative impact on the political «life» of the State: certain types of crimes have a pronounced anti-State character (terrorism, official deception, bribery, etc.). In this regard, there is no doubt about the special relevance of building an effective system of State response to any manifestations of crime, including a system of prevention by the Russian internal affairs agencies, research into the history of these relations. The subject of the study is a scientific analysis of the historical prerequisites of the genesis of the national legislation on the regulation of relations in the field of crime prevention. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal peculiarities of crime prevention at various stages of legislation in this sphere before the modern stage development. The Methods of research are system analysis, historical, structural, logical, comparative scientific methods. The study highlights the historical stages of the genesis of national internal affairs agencies in relation to crime prevention activities. The results achieved include the analysis of sources of law in the field of crime prevention at each of the historical stages, the analysis of issues in the field of legislative development, and the identification of trends in each of the stages. It is noted that in modern conditions, in accordance with the current Russian legislation, in the system of state authorities whose activities are aimed at combating and preventing crimes, a special role is assigned to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, headed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is this federal executive body that carries out the main range of activities to combat crime, organize preventive measures and prevent, detect and eradicate crime.
history, stages of development, crime, prevention, counteraction, internal affairs agencies
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