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Abstract (English):
Abstract: The subject of the study is information gleaned from documents of the military command, other materials of the great Patriotic war period, revealing the actions of the Supreme command Headquarters and the military Council of the Leningrad front to unblock Leningrad. The chronological order shows the combat actions of the red army troops who defended the city from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 under the conditions of a military blockade. The reasons and consequences of unsuccessful attempts to break the blockade are analyzed, indicating the combat losses of our troops. It shows the strategic importance of the battle of Leningrad in securing a fundamental turning point in the war of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany. The article uses the method of dialectical materialism, which allowed the author to explore the events and facts associated with the liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade, in their development, relationship and interdependence. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author considers the combat actions of the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts to unblock Leningrad not in the context of the traditional coverage of the breakthrough of the blockade in 1943. and the complete liberation of the city in 1944, and speaks of four more attempts, the first of which was made immediately after the establishment of the blockade in September 1941. unfortunately, none of them reached the goal set by the Stavka, but each attempt created the necessary conditions for success in operations «Iskra» and «Neva-2».

Great Patriotic war, Battle of Leningrad, blockade, German fascist troops, Supreme Command Headquarters, Red Army, Leningrad front, Volkhov front
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