Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
g. Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 15 Психология
GRNTI 15.81 Прикладная психология
OKSO 37.05.02 Психология служебной деятельности
BBK 884 Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая (прикладная) психология
TBK 8342 Инженерная психология. Психология труда и профессиональной деятельности
BISAC PSY003000 Applied Psychology
Socio-psychological adaptation of the employee is an important condition for the success of professional activities, determining the effectiveness and reliability of the subject in performing operational tasks. The scientific significance of the problem is actualized in the professions of social orientation and requires not only physiological adaptations, but analysis of prospects predict the dynamics of adaptation, a constructive interaction and cooperation in socio-professional environment. Current empirical studies show that law enforcement problems of professional adaptation involve a lot of social regulatory factors, value and moral content. In the presented results of empirical research the peculiarities of socio-psychological adaptation of employees of internal Affairs bodies with different level of personal adaptive capacity are discussed. Statistical analysis of indicators of two groups of adapted and unadapted staff allowed us to establish reliably significant differences in the adaptation on physical, psychological and social levels. It was revealed that employees with low levels of adaptive capacity are different in asthenic reactions, neuropsychological instability, emotional discomfort, severity of negative emotional state. The overall profile of socio-psychological adaptation is characterized by low level of behavioral self-regulation and communicative potential difficulties in establishing a constructive relationship, deconditioning disorders. It was found that employees with a high level of personal adaptive capacity are different in activity and performance, neuro-psychological stability, the capacity for behavioral self-control, communicative abilities and moral normativity. Indicators of socio-psychological adaptation demonstrate the ability to adequate perception of social norms, the availability of professional motives in the activities, alignment of personal interests with the interests of the service activities, goodwill in the relationship, cooperation and responsibility.
socio-psychological adaptation, personal adaptation potential, behavioral self-regulation, disadaptation, adaptation success, moral norms
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