Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
GRNTI 14.07 Общая педагогика
The construction of the correct trajectory of socialization, as a process of people’s inclusion to life in society, is one of the most important issues of modern pedagogical science. This problem is especially acute in educational organizations that prepare minors for military and other public service, which is confirmed by studies of domestic authors and by pedagogical practice. A significant role in the process of socialization is played by its initial stage, when the growing person adapts to the militarized educational environment and the former schoolboy assumes a completely new social role of the student. The article actualizes the problem of socialization of students in the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the initial stage of training. Insufficient attention is currently being paid by the scientific community to studies of the socialization processes of students in Suvorov schools, Nakhimov schools and cadet corps in general and general educational organizations of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in particular. Analyzing the scientific literature, taking into account the place of the educational environment and the significance of the value system of pupils in this process and based on a common understanding of socialization, the authors identify some factors that prevent successful socialization at the initial stage of training in pre-university educational organizations of power structures: low competence of the teacher and educator; imbalance between mental, mental and physical stress; uneven process of transition from the status of an ordinary pupil to the status of a student, etc. Taking into account the differences between educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and other law enforcement agencies, the authors conclude that there is no single and systematic approach to studying the problem of socialization of students of the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and insufficient scientific and methodological elaboration of this direction.
socialization, socialized, social mitigation, students of the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, initial stage of training.
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