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Abstract (English):
Even during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) all courts including the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation carried out their activities. However, the format of their functioning has become different than before. The conditions of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) forced a great deal of organisations to pass to a different operating mode, encouraged them to speed up digitalization processes, including the implementation of the main stages of digitalization of justice, comprising the provision of electronic access to judicial acts, the replacement of paper-based protocols with audio protocols, the regulation of convenient electronic document flow as well as a stable and accessible video conferencing system in courts, the formation of an accessible and convenient system of tracking delays of court hearings and adopted judicial acts, etc. The article gives the monitoring results of the practice of judicial constitutional regulation during the coronavirus pandemic, emphasizes the study of the essence of controversial legal relations. Based on the results obtained, the author comes to the conclusion that even in atypical, difficult conditions for the whole country and the entire world, citizens and their associations expressed dissatisfaction with the regulation of relations of various industry branches, urging the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation to remove unconstitutional norms from the legal space, to eliminate problems of a law-making nature, which are the causes of problems of law enforcement practice.

digitalization of justice, pandemic, Constitutional Court, rule of law, legal ambivalence
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