Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the experience of distance learning in conditions of self-isolation, obtained in the spring of 2020 in higher education institutions. A survey of students in the first days of transition to online training and after three months of working in this mode revealed the most common difficulties manifested in the subjective assessments of cadets and teachers of higher education organizations. Four groups of difficulties are identified that, according to students, reduce not only the productivity of work in the process of forced distance learning, but also the satisfaction of this form of training: difficulties associated with a decrease in motivation, creativity, and the value of professional training; difficulties in understanding and completing tasks; user difficulties when working with a computer; technical difficulties associated with unsatisfactory computer or Internet performance. Quantitative characteristics of each group of difficulties are given, their probable causes and ways to support students are discussed. Some data from the survey of students and teachers after three months of training in self-isolation are presented. A number of data on the psychological causes of subjective difficulties of students is provided.

distance learning in higher education, learning in conditions of self-isolation, subjective assessments of difficulties in online learning

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