Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the history of the emergence and activity of secret Masonic lodges in Russia in the XVIII – early XX century and the involvement of civil servants in them – representatives of the political elite and ordinary officials, civil and military bureaucracy, Metropolitan and provincial. The participation of thetop police officials in Masonic lodges and, on the contrary, the involvement of representatives of the first generation of Russian revolutionaries – the Decembrists in Masonic organizationsis shown particularly. The influence of the West (first of all, England and France) in the formation and activity of Masonic lodges is exposed.Data on the number of Masonic lodges in the Russian Empire in different periods of its history are given. The author shows the state’s attitude to the activities of these «nonpublic organizations», the metamorphosis of politics and the reasons for frequent changes in the political course towards Freemasons. The influence of Masonic lodges on political decision-making is analyzed. The phenomenon of a very active introduction of masons into public and state institutions in the era of Russian revolutions at the beginning of the twentieth century is studied, and their wide presence in the first revolutionary government of Russia, which appeared during the February Revolution of 1917.

Freemasons, Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge, civil service, empire, senator, minister, State Council, State Duma, Provisional government, Ministry of home Affairs, Police Department
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