Infliction of harm under the conditions of necessary defense. Criminal law doctrine and problems of qualification
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Abstract (English):
The article deals with different points of view that have developed in the criminal law doctrine on the problem of qualifying the infliction of harm in conditions of necessary defense. The author presents his own analysis of the legal rules that form the institution of necessary defense. Application of rules on necessary defense is a topical theoretical and practical problem. In the theory of criminal law there is a different understanding of the legality and unlawfulness of causing harm in conditions of necessary defense. Using examples of law enforcement practice, as well as relying on the opinions of various legal scholars, the author systematizes the conditions for the legitimacy of necessary defense into two groups: 1) conditions for the emergence of the right to necessary defense, which, in their entirety, constitute its basis; 2) conditions that determine the limits of permissible protection, violation of which is qualified as exceeding the limits of necessary defense. The author proposes to consider the infliction of harm in conditions of necessary defense on the basis of the principles of proportionality and necessity, and qualify the act under consideration as exceeding the limits of necessary defense only in the case of violation of both principles. The analysis carried out in the article highlighted the need for some changes and additions to the regulatory legal acts.

necessary defense, breach of conditions, exceeding the limits, criminal liability, criminal law doctrine, law enforcement
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