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Abstract (English):
The problem of operational-search support of special operations with the help of a complex of operational-search measures and other auxiliary tactical methods of actions that contribute to the effective achievement of goals and the solution of special operations tasks is considered. Based on the definitions of the concepts «special operation», «operational-search operation» and the opinions of researchers, the author proposed a definition of an operational-search support of special operations, tasks and stages of its implementation are formulated. It is noted that the entire range of tasks can be solved only with the widespread use of the undercover method, the use of an operational game, which implies the use of an organizational and tactical form - an operational search operation. If it is necessary to urgently conduct a special operation in conditions of extremely limited operational illumination, only certain measures of operational-search support are possible, which do not include an operational-search operation. Analyzing the experience of the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies of Russia, the author concludes about the consideration of special and operational-search operations in their dialectical interaction, when one type of operation by tactical methods of action can solve problems inherent in it, and at the same time it can ensure the actions of another type of operation. When analyzing the operational-search support, the author determines its most effective organizational and tactical form – the operational-search operation.

operational-search support, operational sources, a set of measures, special operations, operational game, operational-search measures, tactical methods of action
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