Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article one can find examples of the analytical work based on a current terminology of a word “graffiti”, that can be found in scientific research works on this phenomenon in the fields of sociology, psychology, art and law. Current classifications of this notion are analyzed taking into account the content of these objects, their attitude to a graffiti community and a certain author, motivation and outward. Analysis considers materials and tools used for a certain object implementation. These writing tools in some cases determine the type of graffiti. The main objective of this analysis was the need to identify certain classified objects the ones that might be necessary for a handwriting expertise and to determine of the relations between the notions of “graffiti” and “handwritten objects made with the use of unconventional writing materials”. During the analysis, a number of characteristics that can be used as a support for conducting handwritten expertise of considered object were defined and conclusions for those graffiti objects that meet these criteria were drawn.

graffiti, styles and variants of graffiti, object for handwritten expertise, handwritten objects performed with the use of uncommon writing materials
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