from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.1922
st. Dinskaya, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
UDK 343.969 Психические болезни и преступность
The article deals with the topical issues of using the criminological classification of the pedophiles in order to prevent sexual violence toward minors. Basing on the analyzed criminal cases (interviews with victims, photo- and video materials, criminological background materials, criminal statistics) as well as academic research in that field the author claims a special role and importance of introducing special criminological knowledge into the work of police. Namely: the specifics of the determination of certain types of crimes, the development of criminological methods of preventing various types of criminal behavior, drawing up a criminological profile of a criminal, studying the characteristics of a crime victim. On the top of this the author notes certain errors in the enforcement practices and offers suggestions for enhancement and improvement of the police work in the field of prevention of sex crimes against minors.
sexual inviolability of minors, rape, sexual freedom, pedophilia, minors, legal regulation, sexual violence
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