Biopolitical turn in the Law: from the legal and institutional model to the biolaw
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Abstract (English):
Relevance. Since the XVIII century, there has been a gradual qualitative transformation of sovereign power in the course of the formation of a biopower based on the regulation of natural processes inherent in the population. At the turn of the XX–XXI centuries, biopolitics as an authoritative organization of the life of the population became the dominant management model. At present, numerous biopolitical tools carry out the construction of the social. Objectives. The purpose of the article is to explicate the process of transformation of the legal and institutional model of regulation of public relations inherent in sovereign power into biolaw as a tool for regulating public relations carried out by biopower. Results. In the course of the study, the process of the formation of biolaw, which arises on the basis of the already established system of legal and political regulation due to its modification by biopolitical means of medicalization, normalization, identification, criminal biopolitics, is considered. As a result of the steady biopolitical intervention in the regulation of the life of the population, the lex-law as a system of legal norms expands to nomos-law focused on a sample of the natural order, correlative to the constructed norms of human life as a biosocial being. Conclusions. Biopolitics in the process of formation radically transforms the social, including legal relations. Biolaw is a system of flexible tools for regulating social relations, tending to the model of the natural order. Biopolitical regulation is steadily replacing the traditional legal and political management model.

human, biopolitics, criminal biopolitics, norm, normalization, medicalization
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