Sexual education as a measure of individual prevention of sexual offenses among minors
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Abstract (English):
Illiteracy in interpersonal sex relations, as well as in matters of sex communications, contributes to the development of tolerance of Russian society to sexual violence, a decrease in the age of persons committing sex crimes, a steady increase of violent crime rates (crimes against sexual freedom as well as statutory crimes), and other illegal acts of sexual nature. The mass media offers veiled propaganda of same-sex marriage, impunity, and promiscuity. Violence is increasingly used as a form of conflict resolution. The lack of skills and abilities to identify fake information on the Internet and the media by the rising generation leads to brainwashing, destructive types of interpersonal relationships between minors, the perception of violence as a normal way of life in society, and deformation of sexual relations among young people. The state of health of adolescents is also of concern, as the number of crimes committed by minors under the influence of alcohol or drugs has increased. Among other unsettling trends, in recent years, the number of minors and young adults infected by sexually transmitted diseases has increased as well. Despite the fact that the number of abortions among adolescents has decreased, only in 2020, about 630 thousand abortions were performed on women of reproductive age – that number on average corresponds to the population of Ulyanovsk. The primary cause of the current state of affairs is the lack of appropriate sexual education among minors and young adults, as well as a lack of spiritual and moral guidance.

violence, prostitution, sex education, sexual health, gender differences, Internet
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