Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers problem of prevention of return to crime by persons under police probation. It is shown that the social environment plays a significant role in the adaptation of probationers. The work focuses the attention on the importance of social network for adaptation of person to difficult life situations. The author considered socio-psychological theories of social network, distinguished subjective, group and network directions of research and described the model of social network and its components. In the course of research, the author characterized the interactive and reflexive components, have shown the possibilities of their application for studying social relations of the probationers and made assumption about the possibility of revealing the risk of delinquent behavior through studying the characteristics of interaction with the environment. The hypothesis has been tested empirically. The study compares perceptions of the social environment in groups of probationers (89 persons, mean age 37 years, SD=7.4 years, 91.1% male) and law-abiding individuals (91 persons, mean age 35 years, SD=5.5 years, 96.7% male). Data was collected by standardized self-report, as well as with the help of two questionnaires, describing the social network characteristics and a rate of probation offences. The author compared data using Mann–Whitney U test. The results confirmed hypothesis showing differences in interactive and reflexive characteristics of social network. It was found that the risk of delinquent behavior of probationers can be determined by the characteristics of size, heterogeneity and referentiality of social network combined with the assessment of the social network support and a level of social influence. The author concludes that these characteristics should be considered in the process of establishing the measures of social adaptation of inmates and prevention of the risk of violating the restrictions of probation.

probation, probationers, prevention of violations, psychology of offenses, social network
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