The community of microsociums as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon: preliminary results of the study
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Abstract (English):
Significant changes in the process of socialization of the younger generations have occurred in modern Russia. In particular, the number and diversity of micro-factors of socialization have increased, their interrelation and mutual influence with meso- and macro-factors of socialization have also undergone significant changes. This, among other things, has led to the fact that specialists in the social sphere struggle with making positive influence on the socialization factors on the formation of children, adolescents, young men and women. In particular, special difficulties are associated with the creation of conditions for positive socialization in the microsocial community. These difficulties are largely determined by the lack of empirical research and theoretical development of the problem of microsocial community as a micro factor in the socialization of the younger generations. Insufficient study and practical relevance determine the relevance of the proposed article, which aims to raise the problem of studying the microsocial community as a sociopedagogical phenomenon. Communities of microsociety have common, special and singular characteristics, the ratio of which in each case largely determine the nature and intensity of their positive and negative impact on the socialization of children, adolescents, young men and women. The materials presented in the article will make a certain contribution to the theories of socialization and social education, will expand the subject and conceptual fields of social pedagogy, will clarify a number of provisions of social psychology of education.

community, microsociety, physical environment, localization, social relations
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