Legal nature of lawful use of weapons as a circumstance excluding criminality of an act
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Abstract (English):
The article examines the lawful use of weapons as an independent circumstance that excludes the criminality of the act. This approach is not traditional for domestic criminal law science, and therefore the research topic is characterized by a low degree of elaboration, which determines its relevance. The purpose of the study is to analyze the legal nature of the lawful use of weapons as an independent circumstance that excludes the criminality of the act. The methodological basis is: comparative legal method, method of formal logic, interpretation of legal norms. The article formulates a number of general conclusions, including the relationship between the concepts of «circumstance precluding criminality of an act» and «circumstance precluding criminal liability»; about the substantive nature of the rules on certain circumstances precluding criminal liability contained in procedural legislation, as well as that acts committed in the presence of circumstances those who exclude the criminality of the act do not lose the public danger. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the following particular conclusions concerning the lawful use of weapons. The lawful use of weapons is a circumstance excluding criminal liability, since it levels the substantive grounds of criminal liability. The lawful use of weapons refers to circumstances that exclude the criminality of the act due to the fact that it meets the characteristics of this group of circumstances: it has an external factor in its structure that causes harm to the object of criminal protection, and the person causing harm as a result of the lawful use of weapons is not socially dangerous. The practical significance of the work lies in the correct definition of the legal nature of the lawful use of weapons, which will avoid unjustified criminal prosecution of law enforcement officers, military personnel and other special subjects for the lawful infliction of criminally relevant harm.

lawful use of weapons; circumstances precluding criminality; special status of the subject; legality of the harm caused; circumstances precluding liability
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