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Abstract (English):
Increasing in the practical orientation of training is a reserve for improving the quality of training of specialists for the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In organizing full-time education, the practical orientation of training can be ensured by the creation of educationalproduction centers (clusters) using a network form in the integration of educational organizations and the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The article deals with promising areas for the implementation of professional educational programs in the network form in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Thus, in implementing professional training programs in a network form, it becomes possible to use the resources of territorial bodies (polygons, shooting ranges, autodromes, etc.); to ensure students training to fulfill their future duties; to train cadets of educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, located in the megacities of the Russian Federation, for ensuring the protection of public order during public mass events; to develop professional competences in operational activities. The implementation of professional educational programs of secondary vocational education in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should take into account the conditions of the federal project «Professionality» of the state program of the Russian Federation «Development of Education». It is necessary to develop, test and introduce a new educational technology based on the integration of educational organizations and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The implementation of professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor’s and master’s programs - in the network form determines the need for short-term internships in the subdivisions of territorial body at the location of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The implementation of programs for training highly qualified personnel in postgraduate studies in the network form makes it possible to conduct interdisciplinary scientific research using the scientific and pedagogical resources of several educational organizations. That allows the presence of two supervisors or a supervisor and a scientific consultant.

professional education, organization of training, quality of training, network form, innovative equipment
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