Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article reviews the research and practice conference “Modern Topics in Psychology in the Field of Law Enforcement: Concepts, Approaches, Technologies (Vasiliev readings – 2022) dedicated to the memory of the Soviet researcher, Doctor of Psychology, professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Vladislav Leonidovich Vasiliev. In the course of the conferences the researches presenting scientific schools of Russian Federation, Republic of Uzbekistan and Republic of Belarus have discussed the studies on the improvement of the psychological work in the law enforcement system, of the psychological support of the police officers, integration of the newest psychological approaches into the practical investigation of crimes, the protection of the law enforcement personnel from the destructive influence of the informational and communicative space, the determinants of the criminal behavior. Conference results prove the need to improve further the practical application of the newest psychological approaches in the law enforcement activities and the need to search for the new opportunities to enrich the scientific potential of Russia and other countries and explore different forms of collaboration and cooperation.
psychological guidance and support of police officers, psychological support of the police activities, tendencies of psychology in the field of crime investigation, protection from the destructive informational and psychological influence, psychology of deviant behavior
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