Fighting theft of cell phones containing personal data: problems and solutions
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Abstract (English):
In recent years the problem of fighting cell phones theft has been still relevant. At the present stage of development of criminological thought, the issues of combating cell phone theft remain topical, require constant research and the development of specific preventive measures. Today, a mobile phone can be compared to a full-fledged pocket computer, where each user, depending on his preferences and needs, can download one or another application (entertainment, communication, navigation, etc.) that he needs to solve specific problems. Every year the technological characteristics of the cell phones to be sold on the territory of the Russian Federation become more and more perfect. The cell phone is not only a means of communication; it has had multifunctional properties and also has contained confidential information. Having stolen a cell phone any criminal can get an access to such information and is able to commit others serious crimes against the victim. These crimes are analyzed by the author of this article. The author of the article also formulates measures to fight cell phones theft and ensure the security of personal data in cases if a criminal has stolen a cell phone.

cell phone, warning, theft of other people’s property
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