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Abstract (English):
Relevance: The Criminal Code is supplemented with new elements of crime without taking feedback into account. Most criminal law researches are retrospective. Scientists work with normative material trying to guess what the legislator kept in mind while accepting another “novel” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and justifying it by ex post facto. Such an approach to the content of scientific research does not contribute to the development of the science of criminal law, but in a sense encourages hasty legislative decisions. Purpose: to give PhD candidates recommendations on the research of social danger of crime. Objectives: to reveal the significance of the thesis as an element of feedback when changing the criminal law, to identify the attitude of the legislator to the classical understanding of social danger of crime. Methodology: systematic and formal-logical research methods were used. Results: the author comes to the conclusion that the PhD thesis is considered as an element of feedback, which should contain a study of social danger of the act in these aspects and can improve the quality of the adopted laws; proves that social danger of crime deservedly occupies a place in the structure of the object of scientific research, but only when it is achieved the purpose of substantiating the criminalization of a new act, decriminalization of an old one, unification or differentiation of responsibility; puts forward the hypothesis that the legislator considers social danger not as an objective element of the act, as in the “classical approach”, but rather as an assumption, which does not often indicate the possibility of harming public relations by the act, but points out the significance of protected relations being affected by the act.

crime, social danger, criminalization, decriminalization, differentiation of responsibility, research methodology
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