Issues of proving some corruption offenses committed by officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the concepts of «corruption», «corruption offense» through the prism of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and other countries, as well as the views of scientists in this field. The lack of legal regulation of the concept of «corruption offense» can give rise to legal uncertainty and errors in proving guilt of an illegal act committed by an officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Research methods. Empirical methods of comparison, description, observation, interpretation; methods of formal logic; analysis and generalisation of scientific and regulatory materials, analysis of judicial practice. Results Including Key conclusions. The necessity of introducing the legislative concept of «corruption offense» with the definition of its types and severity is argued. The conclusion is substantiated that the procedures for verifying the completeness and reliability of information on income, property and property obligations submitted by an internal affairs officer, as well as the procedure for establishing control over expenses, are special types of jurisdictional disciplinary proceedings with their inherent stages, but the absence of regulated procedural actions, aimed at proving a «corruption offence».

corruption offense, jurisdictional proceedings, checking the completeness and reliability of information, establishing cost control, proving guilt
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