Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
UDK 342.9 Административное право
Introduction. The article deals with actual issues of digitalisation of departmental control in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Research purpose is to substantiate the relevance of improving the effectiveness of departmental control methods, also by means of digitalisation. Methods. The research methodology was based on the dialectical approach to the scientific cognition of social relations developed during the implementation of departmental control in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the identified factors, synthesis of the results obtained in the research, made it possible to present proposals on the effectiveness of digital methods used at the current stage. Such special methods as study of normative legal acts and documents, empirical method, method of data processing and analysis were also applied. Results. The need to develop a system of interconnection between the audited and the auditing subjects at the level of the ministry and regions is determined. The article reveals the mechanism of departmental control over the «Information support» activity direction by the example of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The basic criteria, indicators and indices influencing the final results of the activity of the inspected subdivision are outlined. The procedure of work with the information portal of the Information Centre of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is described. The author focuses attention on essentially new possibilities of organising departmental control by means of application of modern digital technologies, such as transparency, availability, simplicity in perception, operational efficiency, and as a result - achievement of maximum completeness, reliability and timely filling databases with corresponding information, used in operational and service activity. Problematic issues of application and possible prospects for the development of modern information technologies in order to improve the effectiveness of departmental control and management activities in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation as a whole are outlined.
internal affairs bodies, digitalisation, modern information technology, departmental control, information support, assessment indicators, record-keeping
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