Peculiarities of the formation of the criminal-legal impact on driving while under the influence of alcohol
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Abstract (English):
State policy in the field of road safety is aimed at protecting the life, health and property of citizens and protecting the interests of society and the state by preventing road accidents and reducing the severity of their consequences. In searching for mechanisms to implement these goals, the legislator to the challenges in the field of road safety, which contribute to road accidents. The article examines the trends in criminal law responses to driving under the influence of alcohol. The criteria for criminalisation of an act under article 2641 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are disclosed. The author focuses on the disclosure of public danger of the act, drawing attention to the existing shortcomings in law enforcement, as well as assesses the effectiveness of the application of Art. 2641 of the Criminal Code in solving the issues of road safety. Based on the results of the study, the author concludes that there is an effective potential of the criminal law prohibition of driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol by a person who has been subjected to administrative penalty or has a criminal record. The author proposes the introduction of amendments to the criminal law legislation, aimed at strengthening the measures of criminal law impact on persons operating a vehicle in a state of intoxication.

safety, road traffic, criminalisation, criminal law, criminal-legal influence, driving, intoxication, vehicle
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