Illicit drug trafficking in the region of responsibility of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization as an independent type of crime
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article provides criminological characteristics of drug trafficking in the region of responsibility of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization, the CSTO). This characteristic reflects one of the main criminological problems - constantly growing drug trafficking, the source of which is the territory of Afghanistan. It is indicated that the Organization is an important actor of international law enforcement activities that counteract the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs of Afghan origin. The article reveals the peculiarities of drug trafficking in the region of responsibility of the CSTO member states. Methods. The methodological basis of this study was formed by such methods as formal-logical, sociological, statistical, historical and scientific interpretation of the crime model proposed by D.A. Shestakov. Results. According to the results of the study, the author proposes the concept of «drug crime in the region of responsibility of the CSTO member states» and indicates the danger of drug trafficking (drug crime) as a socio and legal phenomenon in this region. Based on the multilevel model of understanding crime («Shestakov funnel»), the author’s dynamic model of the «funnel» of drug crimes in this region, which consists of five levels and three trends, is proposed. The proposed model of drug crimes has a dynamic character and may vary depending on the period under review. The results of the study can also be used by law enforcement officers and scientists dealing with this issue. The identified features contribute to understanding the directions of preventive impact on the considered type of crime.

drug trafficking, state security, «northern route», Republic of Armenia, trans-regionality, Shestakov funnel
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