Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In order to make decisions in a difficult operational environment, students need to master the methodological foundations of developing and making decisions. The article deals with issues revealing teaching techniques to make managerial decisions under special conditions by trainees of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Management decisions under these circumstances must be reasonable, timely and competent. The decision-making theory contains a system of basic ideas and patterns with the definition of technology and decision-making methods. The main provision of the organization of operational and official activities is the algorithm for work of the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia developed by the departments of the Academy and adopted as the base of the training process. The algorithm represents an action sequencing performed by the head of the territorial body from obtaining information to decision making and implementing it. The authors draw attention to the sequence of theoretical issue practice, skills and abilities being transferred during group exercises, staff training and command-and-staff training exercises. Such a training sequence is important and effective to develop students’ professional skills to perform duties in the process of operational activities under special conditions.

group exercise, command-and-staff training, knowledge, skills
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