from 01.01.2014 until now
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
UDK 366.5 Защита потребителей. Типы организаций
Abstract: Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the procedure of self-inspection on compliance with mandatory requirements of consumer protection legislation as a recently introduced into law enforcement practice preventive means and the impact of its results on the reputation of entrepreneurs In order to improve the competitiveness of goods, works (services) in the consumer market and prevent possible violations, self-inspection of sellers of goods and performers of works (services) becomes especially important and allows to identify their strengths and weaknesses through internal audit before the state control (supervision) bodies point out and take appropriate measures. The purpose of the work is to analyse the peculiarities of implementation by business entities of self-investigation on consumer protection issues. Methods. The study uses a systematic approach, as well as methods of interpretation of legal norms, analysis and synthesis. The use of these methods in the study allowed us to consider the mechanism of self-inspection as part of the system of prevention of violations of mandatory requirements of the business community, to identify the features of interaction with other elements of the system, as well as to form a holistic view of it. Research results. The author proposes a scientific concept of self-inspection in the sphere under consideration (internal economic self-control). It is concluded that for the development of self-inspection as a preventive legal means it is necessary to expand its toolkit. The introduction of additional forms of selfcontrol is proposed.
self-inspection, consumer protection, entrepreneurial activity, legal means, business reputation
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