Study of the level of physical activity of cadets of educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the initial stage of training
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Abstract (English):
Introduction.The article studies the level of motor activity of first-year cadets of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author reveals the problem of the formation of motor activity among first-year cadets in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This issue is especially acute today, because young people entering the educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have low rates of physical development, and physical activity is directly related to it. The purpose of the study: to substantiate theoretically and experimentally the need to increase the level of motor activity with the help of physical exercises among cadets at the initial stage. Tasks: to analyze the physical condition of the cadets at the initial stage; to determine the level of motor activity among first-year cadets in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Methods and structure of the study:In the process of research the empirical method, the theoretical method (statement of the problem, definition of the goal, object and subject of research, its tasks and hypotheses) were used. 127 cadets of the first year of the training facultyof employeesfor operational units of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, aged 17 to 21, were interviewed. The mean age was 18.09 + 2 years. In the study group female respondentswere accounted for 14.9%. Cadets who have sports titles and go in for sports at a professional level were accounted for 9.4%. The study was conducted according to the method of a diagnostic survey using the motor activity questionnaire ODA 23+, developed at the Federal State Budgetary Institution «National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine» of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Andronov D. M., Krasnitsky V. B., Bubnova M. G., 2013). Results: The conducted research showed that cadets’ physical activity is insufficient. On the basis of the data obtained the method for increasing the motor activity and physical development of cadets in the process of self-training was developed.

motor activity, physical culture, physical training, physical development, higher education, initial training, skills set
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