employee from 01.01.2024 until now
Department for the Organization of Activities of District Police Commissioners and Juvenile Affairs Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Kaliningrad Region (UODUUP i PDN UMVD Rossii po Kaliningradskoy oblasti, Chief Inspector for Special Assignments)
from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2024
Russian Federation
UDK 343.5 Преступления против общественных устоев, нравственности и семьи
Introduction: at the present stage of the development of criminal law science in the works of the scientists and in law enforcement sources, there are facts of mixing the concepts of «types», «forms» and «methods» in relation to the events of crimes and in the process of describing the corresponding criminal acts. This practice often leads to confusion of related categories and substitution of concepts, significantly complicating the procedure for the qualification of crimes and making it difficult to establish the actual degree and nature of their public danger. The crimes provided for in Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are no exception. In this connection, it is necessary to formulate and substantiate scientifically based conclusions allowing to resolve the described problem situation. Research methods: carrying out the author’s large-scale generalisation of materials of investigative and judicial practice in cases of non-fulfillment of duties for the upbringing of minors connected with abuse; analysis of the provisions of the current legislation, comparison of the empirical data obtained. Results: the forms of committing crimes provided by article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are indicated; the author’s classification of the types of acts within each of the forms is presented; the statement that the specific type of committed acts is the main criterion of public danger of the crimes under consideration is substantiated.
active action, inaction, upbringing, cruelty, non-fulfillment of responsibilities, minor, public danger, crime, form
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