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Abstract (English):
The relevance of research. Modern reality is characterized by the growth of protest moods, which are considered as an integral part of public opinion. In this regard, the study of the main indicators of the state and factors of social protest activity is of particular importance. Public events (more than 637 thousand of them were held from 2010 to 2021) do not in themselves have an increased criminogenic and delictogenic potential. A different situation is demonstrated by uncoordinated public events that were initially outside the legal framework (their number in 2021 increased by more than 6 times compared to 2010 - from 428 to 2736). Methodology. In the course of the study, methods of system analysis, statistical, formal-logical, were used. The study established that protest activity and radicalization are interdependent phenomena caused by similar determinants. Citizens who take part in unauthorized events deliberately put themselves in the position of violators of the established order, demonstrating a disregard for the value of law, overcoming the deterrent effect of the law. Such defectiveness of the socio-psychological characteristics of participants of uncoordinated public events creates a specific criminological “background”: in a limited space, a group of citizens accumulates, for whom their own interests are of higher importance than the interests of society and the value of the rule of law and who are ready to neglect public interests in order to achieve personal goals, which makes this action initially conflictual, and therefore potentially dangerous in terms of criminogenic.

protest action, consequences, dynamics, warning, crime, public safety, personality, characteristics
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