Information technologies as an object of contemporary criminal situation development in the sphere of economic activity
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the situation, structure and dynamics of certain qualitative parameters of crimes in the sphere of economic activity committed with the use of information and telecommunication technologies. The author focuses on the fact that information technologies have an impact on the development of practical use of Chapter 22 of the RF Criminal Code. Intensification of such practice led to an increase in the number of criminal cases and the reflection of crimes in the relevant forms of the Main Informational and Analytical Center of the RF Ministry of the Interior. In particular, the following type characteristics of crimes and persons who committed crimes were considered: the number of women, persons without permanent sources of income; the dynamics of persons who committed a crime as part of an organized group and a criminal community (organization). All facts were confirmed by statistical data. The author notes that the development of new information technologies can both significantly increase law enforcement practice concerning this type of criminal activity and contribute to the creation of a modern system of measures aimed at preventing encroachments in the sphere of economic activity. Methods: In the course of the study we used general scientific methods of social processes cognition (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, system-structural method, measurement, description, abstraction), as well as private scientific methods - document analysis, statistical methods. As an empirical base we used separate forms of statistical observation of the Main Informational and Analytical Center of the RF Ministry of the Interior. Results: Based on the results of the study, criminal acts belonging to the category of crimes under Chapter 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and committed with the use of information and telecommunication technologies were identified. The relevant statistical data were collected and analyzed. The corpus delicti of crimes that have been the subject of record keeping since 2022 (articles: 1742, 174.1, 183.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) have been studied.

information and telecommunication technologies, sphere of economic activity, statistical data, sources of income, organized group, criminal community (organization)
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