from 01.01.2024 until now
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
UDK 343.97 Преступление как общественное явление. Сравнительная преступность. Причины и последствия преступлений. Социальные факторы преступления. Социальное окружение
Introduction. At present days the crimes being committed by the members of the organized criminal activities introduce a special danger. Taking into account the current environment in Russia and the development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) the author considers that there is the necessity to study this issue. The aim of study: The main areas of the organized criminal activities, including those having been composed in the process of developing informational technologies, are examined. Methods: The methodological basis of the study is a universal dialectical method of cognition of counteraction to the organized crime in the process of developing the public relations and digitalization. The author of the article uses the general scientific (logical, system-structural) and particular scientific (the study of law statistics and normative legal acts, analysis of informational resources) methods of cognition. The research materials are the normative acts and scientific literature concerning the modern methods of fighting against the organized crime and also data about the criminal situation at the territory of the Russian Federation and law enforcement practice on the researched problem. Results: In this research the modern methods of fighting against the organized crime are analyzed. A great attention is paid to illegal drug trafficking, weapon trafficking, the use of informational technologies in the activities of the organized criminal structures. Special consideration should be given to the corruptive aspect of organized criminal activity. On the base of the author’s research measures against the current organized crimes are offered.
organized crime, tendencies, criminal community, criminal organization, organized criminal groups, digitalization, prevention
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