Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 378.1 Организация высшего образования. Организация работы высшего учебного заведения
Abstract: Introduction. The relevance of the research is determined by the world tendency of widespread introduction of digital means and technologies in all spheres of human activity. The use of digital support of the educational process is aimed at increasing the level of accessibility of the education, but the absolutisation of digital support can lead to negative consequences. The authors assume that the development of a general classification system of anthropological risks of digital support absolutisation will help to exclude or minimise their consequences when organising the educational process. The aim of the research is to build a classification structure of the discussed pedagogical categories. In achieving this goal, the authors formulated such tasks as reviewing the terminological apparatus in the field of digital support of education, identifying criteria sufficient for attributing risks to a certain type, and dividing anthropological risks into certain classes according to their characteristics or features. Methods. General theoretical methods were used in the present research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction, abstraction, generalisation, concretisation, modelling. Results. According to the results of the research, a number of key definitions within the specified issue were formulated. The general classification system of anthropological risks of digital support absolutisation of the educational process is developed. The conclusion is made concerning the need for further research in this area of study, as well as the development of the required competences of all subjects of the educational process to avoid absolutisation of digital support.
anthropological risk, digital support, educational process, classification system, artificial intelligence
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