Law enforcement intelligence in detection of corruption in public procurement
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Abstract (English):
Introduction: Economic development of the country, its security, implementation of national programmes are ensured by the state and municipal orders. Transactions involving the expenditure of significant amounts of budget funds in the sphere of public procurement constitute favourable conditions for the commitment of various corruption offences. Thus, the state takes control over them and, if necessary, take measures to suppress such crimes. Criminals use a wide range of methods. They formally comply with the rules and procedure of tendering to achieve self-interested personal goals. Identification of such dishonest customers can be done by means of control measures, both public (in the form of scheduled and unscheduled checks) and covert. Methods. Public control in the public procurement sphere is not enough to protect the economic interests of the country. Law enforcement intelligence, utilizing covert human intelligence sources, provides timely and efficient acquisition and the use of information being necessary to prevent, suppress and solve non-obvious, latent and covert corruption offences. The use of covert law enforcement intelligence against unlawful acts in the system of the state and municipal procurement appears to be crucial for the proper functioning of this system. Results. The present-day practice reveals that in order to effectively tackle corruption in public procurement, it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach involving the application of administrative legal measures and law enforcement intelligence.

procurement for the state (municipal) needs, state control, latent corruption offences, search signs, law enforcement intelligence units, law enforcement intelligence operations, covert cooperation, intelligence, detection, suppression
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