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UDK 159.99 Прочие вопросы психологии
Introduction. Scientific and technological progress and the development of information technologies have contributed to the worship of «speed» in achieving professional goals. The specificity of service in law enforcement agencies requires constant physical and mental overload, fulfilment of tasks in the shortest possible time, which leads to the emergence of subjective feeling of lack of time, and subsequently to the development of serious addiction, professional burn-out. The issue of implementation of preventive measures among law enforcement officers is acute, so there is a need to study the views of modern researchers on this problem. Research methods. Theoretical analysis of modern literary sources and studies on this theme and a survey of 50 employees of FCU IK-2 of the Federal Penitentiary Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Ryazan region using a specially designed questionnaire were conducted. Results. On the basis of theoretical analysis we have identified the main stages of formation of urgent addiction in law enforcement officers and its consequences for professional activity and personal life of a person. Urgent addiction can lead to mental and physical exhaustion, development of emotional burnout, professional deformation, various forms of destructive behaviour (including suicidal), which violates human security and his ability to adapt to changing conditions of life. Timely diagnosis and implementation of preventive measures (organisational, educational, social, medical, psychological) can eliminate the preconditions for the development of this form of addiction. The study of individual-psychological features of law enforcement officers capable of preventing the formation of urgent addiction (value orientations, purposefulness, positive attitude to the future, ability to maintain balance, regulatory properties of personality) is a possible direction for further research.
addiction, urgent addiction, lack of time, law enforcement, professional activity, deformation
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