Russian Federation
UDK вербальные
Introduction. The problem of creating a reliable system for evaluating employees of law enforcement agencies, selecting candidates and forming a personnel reserve is constantly within the sphere of researchers’ interests and involves the development and implementation of effective tools that allow both assessing professional suitability and forecasting the effectiveness of professional activity of employees. In relation to the employees of the non-departmental security units of the Rosguard, official competencies have recently become such a tool. The purpose of the study is to develop a technology for assessing the job competencies of employees of the non–departmental security (PSB) of the Rosguard within the context of a competence model. The object of the study were employees of the combatant units of the Rosguard of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (271 people), including 72 leaders (platoon and company commanders), 60 police officers and 139 PSB experts. Research methods. While developing procedures for assessing job competencies, the assessment center method, P. Ward’s 360-degree assessment method, comparative, correlation, factor, and regression analysis were used. The psychodiagnostic tools of the study involved a set of valid, reliable, complementary methods: expert assessment, standardized interview, short intellectual selection test CAT (V. N. Buzin, E. F. Vanderlik); standardized multifactorial method of personality research SMIL (L. N. Sobchik), self-actualization test SAT (E. Shostrom), the methodology of the motivational structure of personality (V. E. Milman), the methodology for assessing the level of neuroticism and psychopathization (I. B. Lasko, B. I. Tonkonogy). Results. The article presents the results of the empirical study of the level of development of job competencies of PSB employees. The authors come to the conclusion that such competencies as «professional motivation» and «compliance with official subordination» influence the effectiveness of the official activity of an ordinary employee, while such competencies as «professional motivation», «special knowledge», communication skills and the ability to use synergy in solving work tasks influence the effectiveness of the official activity of the head of the department.
competence model, job competencies, behavioral markers, effectiveness, success
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