Mentoring in internal affairs bodies: legal regulation at certain stages of development and ways to improve
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article presents a historical retrospective of the development of mentoring in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The author has carried out a comparative analysis of regulatory legal acts regulating various aspects of mentoring, including requirements for mentors, functions and tasks of this institute, from the Soviet period to the present. The continuity of individual elements of the mentoring institute and the place of this institute in the existing system of service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are noted. Research methods. In the process of work, a systematic method was used, as well as methods of comparative legal, historical and legal analysis and formal logic. In order to study the issue posed, legislative and departmental regulatory legal acts of the USSR and the Russian Federation (since 1971) were analyzed. Scientific works devoted to the formation and functioning of the institution of mentoring in the civil service and in internal affairs bodies have also been studied. Results. A conclusion is formulated about the possibility of using previously used mechanisms of the mentoring institution as part of its further improvement at the present stage, for example, within the framework of organizing a competition for the professional skills of mentors in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. A number of innovations are proposed that provide financial incentives for mentoring in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. There is a need to organize training for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, who are involved as mentors.

mentoring, internal affairs bodies, police, performance appraisal, training of probation
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