Destructive and self-destructive tendencies in the deep psychological sphere of urban and rural young people as a reflection of difficulties in separation and social adaptation
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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the research lies in the high social significance of research in the field of revealing mechanisms of destructive behavior formation in adolescence. The study of depth-psychological sphere of personality makes it possible to identify unconscious tendencies reflecting tendencies to destructive behavior, as well as to predict the risks of such manifestations in human behavior. Purpose of the research is the study and presentation of destructive and selfdestructive tendencies in the in-depth psychological sphere of young people living in urban and rural areas. Theoretical research methods are the comparative-analytical method as well as the inductive and deductive methods. Empirical research methods: methods of directed conversation, observation, as well as psychodiagnostic method (method of experimental diagnostics of motives «Szondi-Test»). Statistical processing of the data is carried out both manually and with the help of the software package «Statistica». The analysis of empirically received data indicates that the in-depth psychological sphere and its separate areas reflect the natural course of the crisis period of personal and social development for adolescence. Five conditional personality types of young people are identified: «Normally socialized», «Aggressive», «Destructive and self-destructive», «Passive and dependent», «Regressive and addictive». In analyzing it was found that the probability of destructive and selfdestructive tendencies in rural youth is higher than in urban youth. From the scientific point of view, the research confirms and completes the existing scientific information about the processes and regularities of personality development in adolescence. Scientific novelty of the research is given by the revealed and described in-depth psychological processes and peculiarities of personal and age development of young people.

addictions, deviations, destructions, fate-analysis, adolescence
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