The phenomenon of corruption in the social matrix of modern society
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the attempt to comprehend the phenomenon of corruption through a set of different scientific approaches and its place in the social system of modern society (social matrix). The research is based on the necessity to understand the nature of this phenomenon, its role in social mechanisms and transformations and, as a result, to determine the direction of counteraction to corruption acts. Introduction: The study of corruption as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the matrix of modern society through a set of different approaches (legal, deviantological, economic, psychological, socio-cultural) is predetermined by the problem of understanding the epistemology of the phenomenon under consideration. This directly affects the effectiveness of anticorruption efforts and the qualitative content of the mechanism for counteracting corruption behavior. Purpose: analysis of corruption as a social phenomenon from the perspective of various scientific approaches in the conditions of formation and transformation of social relations and institutions and presentation of the author’s understanding of the content and essence of this phenomenon. Methodology, methods and techniques. The research was based on the dialectical method in combination with other general scientific methods: logical-epistemological, epistemological, epistemological, rationalistic deduction, analysis, comparison, etc., as well as special methods of scientific cognition - legal, sociological, etc. Results: scientific views on the content and essence of corruption as a negative phenomenon and its place in the social matrix of modern society were analysed: the main directions of counteracting corruption through the adoption of appropriate measures by social institutions were proposed. Scientific novelty: the scientists’ viewpoints on corruption as a phenomenon and an inevitable component of all social institutions, as well as the author’s substantiated position of defining the essence of corruption as a socio-cultural phenomenon contribute to the fundamental knowledge of the phenomenon under consideration and its role in developing and transforming social relations and other phenomena. Practical significance: the results of the research are aimed at supplementing the existing scientific knowledge about corruption, forming a theoretical and applied basis for counteracting this negative social phenomenon in modern society.

corruption phenomenon, social matrix, social institutions, consumer society, counteraction to corruption
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