Emerging trends in deviantology in the Crimea
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Crimea branch of Krasnodar University of the RF Ministry of the Interior, the results of scientific researches in deviantology are presented. The article stresses main prerequisites for the successful implementation of scientific researches and obtaining significant results, proposals and recommendations being significant for territorial authorities of the RF Ministry of the Interior. Further, it highlights research ideas in this area due to contemporary requirements for specialists’ training and new key majors at university training. The purpose of the study is to analyze systematized researches carried out at the Crimea branch of Krasnodar University of the RF Ministry of the Interior of Russia, and to determine further trends for the research in deviantology. Methodology, methods and techniques. The methodological basis of the research is comprised of philosophical, modern general and special methods of scientific knowledge. Their use is due to a systematic approach, which made it possible to analyze the problems fully and comprehensively in the unity of their social content and legal form. The results of the work confirm the timeliness, significance and practical relevance of the outcomes of scientific researches, compliance of the developed subject areas with current and emerging issues of law enforcement force required to be solved. The scientific novelty of the article is due to a comprehensive and integrated analysis of systematic scientific research in the field of deviantology conducted by scientific and pedagogical staff of the Crimea branch of Krasnodar University of the RF Ministry of the Interior. Practical significance. The presented review can be useful for researchers as well as field officers of the law enforcement bodies to prevent various deviations at federal and regional levels.

destructive behavior, preventive activity, prevention of deviations, precautions of abnormalities, radical views, the Republic of Crimea
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