Problem areas of personal development in adolescence in persons with obvious signs of criminal behavior
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article is focused on identifying the main problem areas in the structure of individual indicators and the system of relations of adolescents accompanying the criminalization of behavior, with the aim of further improving the quality of diagnosis and correction of their personal characteristics. Research methods. The study examined the individual characteristics of 100 teenagers, half of whom had obvious signs of criminal behavior (they study in special closed institutions or are registered). The work analyzed the results of seven methods, three of which were adapted specifically for the purposes of studying a non-normative sample of adolescents. These are the methods of DDH, “Man in the Rain” and an essay on the topic “My Life”, which are rarely used in mass research. Results. Based on the results of the work, conclusions are drawn about the main negative and positive areas of adolescent development. Negative areas of development identified using research methods adapted by us include a pronounced conflict between the unconscious and conscious components in the field of family relationships, pronounced forms of external motivation, lack of orientation towards one’s own needs (low level of expression), inability to assess one’s internal resources and opportunities, lack of a clear attitude towards complex social values, decreased orientation towards the father. Promising aspects of adolescent development include recognition of the value of interests, orientation towards social desirability, external declaration of the “correct” values, and motivation based on external signs.

personality, adolescents, criminal behavior, value-motivational potential, system of relationships, researchmethods of the criminal behavior
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