Approaches to the classification of other measures of criminal-legal nature aimed at countering offences, committed against the interests of the Russian Federation
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The problem of non-repressive impact on persons convicted of committing crimes in national criminal law and legislation is not solved to date, causing a sharp polemic at all levels of its discussion. This includes the issues of classification of measures of this kind, their correlation with punishment, the limits of application, the status itself, etc. Methods: the methodological basis of this research was formed by the basic provisions of the dialectical method of cognition, general scientific and private-scientific methods, such as comparative-legal, concretesociological, formal-logical, systemic and historical. Results. There is a rather persistent orientation of other measures of criminal-legal nature applied for offences against the interests of the Russian Federation. Firstly, the use of their potential should occur exclusively in cases of committing crimes of a certain kind. Secondly, the expediency of their application, both in addition to punishment and independently, is in cases of the perpetrator’s refusal to cooperate [12, p. 63] in terms of identifying foreign agents or agents of influence (foreign agents), as well as intransigence to the existing state power and its ideology. Thirdly, all of them are based on restrictions and deprivation of basic constitutional rights and freedoms of a person.The question of type differentiation of means of enforcement in relation to certain groups of offences, is practically not discussed at the moment in modern literature being outside the national criminal-legal doctrine. At the same time, this direction of development of other measures of criminal-legal nature seems to be a priority, as well as the question of their classification seems to be extremely actual and relevant. The solution of this issue will inevitably provide answers to many other questions of both theoretical and purely practical nature, thus facilitating the solution of the global task of fighting crime. In our case, we deal with countering threats to the interests of the Russian Federation.

criminal-legal impact, other measures of criminal-legal nature, repression, exile, expulsion
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