The most typical investigative situations that arise during the investigation of theft of mobile communication devices
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Theft of mobile communication devices is a frequently committed crime, the regularity of which is due to the increase in the number of communication devices among citizens, its popularity and ease of use, as well as other factors. Methods. While working on the article, the author used various methods, including general scientific methods of cognition, private scientific methods and an interdisciplinary method of formalization. The data of real legal practice, materials of criminal cases and judicial acts were also used. Results. The current state and transformation of the mechanism of theft of mobile communication devices is analyzed in the article. The main methods of committing theft, the techniques and technologies used in this process are studied and typified. The author considered the most typical investigative situations that arise duringthe investigation of theft of mobile communication devices. The conclusion was drawn that the most common loss of mobile communication devices is committed by theft (including pickpocketing; theft in public places; burglary), robbery, fraud. The system of formation of the most typical investigative situations is based on a combination of analysis of investigative practice and theoretical research. The typical investigative situation in the investigation of mobile phone theft includes various aspects, among which the author emphasizes the totality of all information and data regarding theft; collecting evidence related to the crime; its comprehensive system analysis; the basics of interaction with mobile operators, etc.

typical investigative situations, mobile phones, mobile communication devices, theft, interaction with a mobile operator, online platforms, cybersecurity
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