Subjective factors of determination of offences encroaching on objects of cultural heritage
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Protection of cultural heritage as the national treasure as well as the keeper of its cultural code is one of the most important tasks of every society and state. Not only time, natural disasters and other natural processes pose a threat to the preservation of cultural heritage objects, but, unfortunately, also illegal human behaviour. The latter consists of both criminal violation of special duties to preserve cultural heritage objects and rules of their use, and intentional acts aimed at their damage and destruction. The development of effective measures to counteract crimes that encroach on cultural heritage objects requires the analysis of their nature and determinant factors. Since the personality of a perpetrator plays a key role in the mechanism of criminal behaviour, the analysis of the determination of certain types of crime requires the establishment of subjective factors of their determination. The purpose of the research is to establish the subjective factors of determination of offences that encroach on objects of cultural heritage. Methods. The research is based on the universal dialectical method of cognition, which implies the analysis of factors and processes of determination of crimes, encroaching on objects of cultural heritage, in the entirety of interconnections of social relations, including the links between society and the personality of a criminal, as well as a set of general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction, systematic method, etc.) and particular scientific (formallegal, logical, statistical, content analysis of mass media and the Internet, etc.) methods of cognition. Results. The main subjective factors of determination of crimes that encroach on the objects of cultural heritage, relating both to the personality of a criminal and other persons involved in ensuring the preservation and proper use, as well as protection of cultural heritage objects, are established.

cultural heritage, object, offence, determination, subjective factors, personality of a criminal
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