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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The efficiency of staff of the internal affairs bodies, their mental health and stress tolerance largely depend on the psychological counseling that is carried out with them throughout the entire period of service [1]. One of the factors ensuring the effective performance of official duties by police officers is the process of formation and development of psychic protective mechanisms. The development of the existing potential for the protection of mental health among employees of Department of Internal Affairs (hereinafter – DIA) continues being an essential direction of psychological counseling of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for several years. The need to improve this process is due to the increased stress impact on the psyche of police officers by various external factors, which the traumatic effect is increasing every year. The formation of defense and coping strategies among police officers involves the implementation of focused psychological counseling, including various methods and means to achieve the planned outcome. Methods. Based on an earlier empirical study, we tried to develop ways to form defence and coping strategies among police officers through general scientific methods and formal logical techniques (deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis), theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, theoretical modeling based on the provisions of a systematic approach in psychology. Results. The article presents possible ways of forming defence and coping strategies among employees of internal affairs bodies, proposes a theoretical model and a program through which the development of psychic defence strategies of police officers from the traumatic experience of psychological barriers of in communication will be ensured.

defence and coping strategies, psychological barriers in communication
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